
2. July 2024

Trailer now out for Identita: A film about Czech graphic design, which maps the best of Czech visual culture

Quirky design explorer Nicholas Lowry comes to Prague to trace Czech graphic design. In cinemas from October 10, 2024

“I’m Nicholas Lowry. I left New York and flew to Central Europe to a small country that has had a huge influence on the world of graphic design,” he says in the new film Identita: A film about Czech graphic design. Nicho Lowry, an American native with Czech roots always dressed in an distinctive tartan suit, sets out on a road trip to trace the roots of graphic design in the Czech Republic, a country he calls ‘close to his heart.’ Lowry spent several years there as a radio host on a cult Czech station. On his journey, he encounters a number of contemporary graphic designers, as well as discovering the legacy of deceased design icons, many of whom were successful abroad. The film will be released on October 10 by Bontonfilm. 

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