Michal (1974) studied andragogy and personnel management at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague. Before graduating from SUPŠ in Prague’s Žižkov neighbourhood, he co-founded the Mowshe studio (1993), which focuses primarily on graphic design, creative concepts, and production for nonprofit organisations, public institutions, and businesses. He was one of the founders of the Decommunization association (2005), whose goal was to get the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia out of the Czech Parliament. He participated in campaigns such as Trikem proti komunismu [Shirts Against Communism], Přemluv bábu [Convince Your Grandma], Milada 70 – Zavražděna komunisty [Milada 70 – Murdered by Communists], Sbohem soudruzi – Banány už nebudou! [Farewell Comrades – No More Bananas] and most recently Putin od moci [Putin Out Of Power]. For some of his work with his colleagues, he has won awards from Strategie weekly, Louskáčka, Zlatá pecka, Lemur, the annual award of the Czech Event Association, and the ADC Awards. He plays saxophone in the bands The Breakers, Viseband, and Jackylovy slipy.