Petr (1993) is a cinematographer originally from Brno. After studying at the Biskupský secondary school, he studied media studies, journalism, and sociology at Masaryk University in Brno. Feature-length documentaries: Vlci na hranicích! Wolves at the Border!, Ako som sa stala partyzánkou How I Became a Partisan, Kibera: Příběh slumu Kibera: Story of a Slum, Češi jsou výborní houbaři (2020) [Czechs are excellent mushroom pickers], Máme na víc We can do better. Short documentary: Anexe Západního břehu Annexation of the West Bank. Original festival jingle: Marienbad Film Festival 2019. Advertising direction: Six Czech and six English e-learning videos about Václav Havel for young people from 14 to 19 (2017); creation of a campaign for Hnutí Duha to support the protection of the Šumava National Park (2016); campaign, radio and TV ads for Roger a.s. (2018), longtime cooperation with SENS Foods; creative, campaign production and video content for web, TV, and social networks (2016-19). Other: Assistant director and location manager of the Czech Television reality show Zlatá mládež (2017), assistant cinematographer for the feature films Admin (2020) and Kdyby radeji horelo (2021).